Fikk enda en mandagsmail i dag med en aldri så moro snutt. Tok litt tid å sette på musikk og å få den til å matche hendelsene, men ble riktig så bra til slutt etter min mening
There are some tucking fimes when you get so pucking fissed off by all the fothermuckers around you, and their ucking fuselessness, you just wanna kucking fill them all, and piss on their dead ucking fasses. Then it's time for you to stucking fop, and think about what the yuck fou're thucking finking about. You nucking feed to look into your-sucking-felf, and realize that you, fothermucker, are just another fothermucker. Or a fatherfucker, for that matter.
But any-wucking-fay, you're definetly a farentpucker, just like everyone else.