Skjønner ikke hvorfor folk skal prøve å spare ved å kjøpe unrukelig juggel innen ODB2 testutstyr jeg altså... Kjører du VAG er det vagcom som er tingen. 2600kr er ikke dyrt for noe sånt om du faktisk trenger den en del. Hvis ikke finner du helt sikkert noen som har vagcom i området du bor i. Brukere som eier vagcom inne på forumet til vag-klubben har et eget symbol under brukernavnet sitt i postene.
Roar Sørlie
Tlf 90127075
Strandgata 26; mitt andre hjem :P
Det var det jeg tenkte også... OBDII protokollen er jo der.. Og det er datamaskinen som leser den. Trenger bare en multiplexer som gjengir dataene til PC over seriellport.
Signal x gir reaksjon y, hvor det ikke kan være avvik mellom de to egentlig?
98' Audi A4 Alpine 9887R/ Fusion Jonah Lomu 5.25" fjl525 / Genesis Profile Four / DynaBel BF4501 / 2x Image Dynamics V3 D2
Det ligger en lisenskode innebygd i ross-tech kabelen, som gjør at om du kommer med en billig jallakabel vil mange av funksjonene i vag-com forvinne! Det er derfor programvaren kan lastes ned gratis for alle og enhver! Les litt på sidene til ross-tech før dere uttaler dere!
Roar Sørlie
Tlf 90127075
Strandgata 26; mitt andre hjem :P
This page is only relevant if you're using an older or 3rd-party "dumb" interface. All our current interfaces have the activation for VAG-COM stored in the interface itself.
5.1 How do I permanently move VAG-COM from one PC to another?
This also applies to reformatting your hard drive, installing new OS or performing other system overhauls:
Download and install the latest version of VAG-COM that works with your interface on your new PC.
Test it to make sure it works properly on that machine. Contact us for support if you have any difficulties.
Fill out the appropriate Registration Form using the serial number from the About screen and we'll send you a new Activation Code, subject to the following caveat:
You must provide us with a De-Activation code from a prior installation.
To generate a De-Activation Code, you need version 0.76 or newer on the old, previously activated
machine. In other words, if you've got an older version on that machine, you may have to update it.
The best way to send the De-Activation code is to grab the DE-ACT.TXT file that is generated in the
VAG-COM folder when you use the De-Activate button.
Additional notes:
All Activation Requests or Re-Activation requests must be made using the appropriate
Registration Form. Email requests will not be accepted.
Once again, if you intend to use VAG-COM on multiple PC's or swap PC's often, we HIGHLY recommend you purchase one of our Current Interfaces (upgrades for existing registered users are also available).
5.2 What's the De-Activate button for? Why would I want to do that?
Two reasons:
To move your activated copy of VAG-COM permanently from one PC to another. See the previous question.
Some things you might want to do to your PC will kill the Activation. If you're going to re-install Windows or update to different version of Windows, re-format or re-partition, or replace your hard drive, then you're going to loose your Activation anyway, and you'll need to ask us for a new activation code when you're done. Sometimes we can tell from the Serial Number that you're requesting a new activation for the same PC. Sometimes we can't. It depends on exactly what you've changed. Now you can always get a new Activation with no questions asked IF you are a registered Ross-Tech customer and you supply proof of de-activation from a previous installation. So if you're about to undertake surgery on your PC, please use the De-Activate function first.
To De-Activate, simply go to the About Screen and press the Register/Activate/Transfer button. Next you will see a button labeled as "De-Activate". Press the De-Activate Button. Doing so will generate a "Proof of De-Activation" code which you can copy and paste into the appropriate Registration Form using the serial number from the About screen. The "Proof of De-Activation" code is also written to a file called DE-ACT.TXT which you can easily put on a floppy disk for safe keeping.
Note: A De-Activation code cannot be used to activate a new installation of VAG-COM! You must fill out the appropriate Registration Form to receive a new Activation Code.
5.3 Why has VAG-COM become De-Activated on its own?
There are a few conditions that can cause previously-registered installations of VAG-COM to become De-Activated:
Performing major systems maintenance like upgrading your operating system, swapping hardware or reformatting your hard drive will "kill" an activation. If you're going to do maintenance of this type, manually de-activate first -- see the previous question.
A problem with your system clock such as a dead CMOS battery, or manually setting the system clock backwards in an attempt to defeat the time limit on other shareware products. VAG-COM's Serial Number may change if it perceives that is has gone "back in time". A PC without a properly functioning system clock is considered defective.
The use of some "System Cleaning" utilities that root around in the Windows Registry can kill the activation.
If you're an existing registered user with a "dumb" interface, and you're upgrading an older version to 311 or 409, the new version will remain shareware until you request a new activation code. Existing registered users with dumb interfaces must complete this short form to request a new activation code. Requests submitted via e-mail or forms with incomplete information will be rejected and will delay your activation. Our Current Interfaces are not affected by this.
If your previously activated copy of VAG-COM becomes de-activated for some reason, don't panic. First establish that your Serial Number is stable (make note of the last 4 digits of the Serial Number, and close and restart VAG-COM and restart Windows a few times to ensure that the Serial Number remains constant). Then fill out the appropriate Registration Form to receive a new Activation Code.
Note: Your old activation code won't work!
Please be sure you read and understand this page (page will open in a new window). er en fin link.
Sto en link der om mer detaljer om deres policy.. det var knøtete, men man må avregistrere programmet, sende inn avregistreringskoden til dem, så få en helt ny serial tilbake. Så kan man installere det på nytt.
98' Audi A4 Alpine 9887R/ Fusion Jonah Lomu 5.25" fjl525 / Genesis Profile Four / DynaBel BF4501 / 2x Image Dynamics V3 D2
Sto en link der om mer detaljer om deres policy.. det var knøtete, men man må avregistrere programmet, sende inn avregistreringskoden til dem, så få en helt ny serial tilbake. Så kan man installere det på nytt.
Jada, men du dobbelposta, så jeg så ikke at du hadde trøkt sammen noe tastaturrot lengre oppi her også!
Men da er vi enige da. 2 av 3 er ikke gale det. Som regel krangler jo alle mot alle.
98' Audi A4 Alpine 9887R/ Fusion Jonah Lomu 5.25" fjl525 / Genesis Profile Four / DynaBel BF4501 / 2x Image Dynamics V3 D2