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EISA Awards 2007: vinnerne

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  • EISA Awards 2007: vinnerne

    Da har EISA Awards 2007 gått av stabelen, og selv om dette såklart ikke er noen fasit på hva som er "best" har det ihvertfall nyhetens interesse...

    Og vinnerne er;


    The double-DIN format solved the challenge of combining essential audio and video components within a single chassis body, and operating them with a large LCD screen. The next challenge has been achieving equally high quality in audio and video components - and Clarion has unquestionably risen to the challenge with the MAX678RVD. Audio quality is impressive from conventional CD and DVD video, thanks to a multibit D/A converter. The large LCD screen is a rare combination of high resolution, brightness, contrast and realistic colour reproduction. Excellent ergonomics and a stylish design - so hard to achieve with such confined space around the screen - make this a hands-down winner.

    MOBILE AMPLIFIER: Steg K2/02 (kan noen ta inn Steg snart?)

    Inside and out, the Steg K2|02 has been designed to maximize power, styling and sound quality. This hefty amplifier relies on an oversized, stabilized power supply, which maintains the same power output irrespective of voltage conditions. The crossover section employs adjustment modules for precision cutoff, and an external control for easy adjustment. There’s even a special PC connection option to monitor a wide range of data, starting from the serial number and name of owner, and ending up at a log of internal events like power supply voltage levels and protection activations. The Steg K2|02 offers an unbeatable combination of classic circuitry with high technology in a most impressive package.


    Alpine’s CDA-9887R is a technologically advanced, well featured, high quality but affordable audio head-unit. Its Advanced Audyssey MultEQ XT equalizer, with 500 correction points and IMPRINT technology, can optimise sound reproduction to specific vehicle listening environments much more precisely than has been possible before. It includes a 24bit DAC, digital 6-channel time correction and adjustable 2- or 3-way crossover; and parameters can either be adjusted automatically or fine-tuned manually. Other features include full-speed iPod and Bluetooth connections, 4 Volt preamp outputs and a Biolite display. The Alpine CDA-9887R is an excellent way to get the best possible sound in any system without spending a fortune.


    With its stylish face plate, high resolution display and ergonomic controls, Alpine’s iDA-X001 provides a glimpse of what a head unit might evolve into in the near future. Though it lacks its own disc drive, the iDA-X001 is optimised to connect with all portable sources of digital media, via iPod direct connection, USB or Bluetooth. Inside the unit are found the highest quality components, including a 24bit D/A converter that can be fully controlled with a wide range of options. The iDA-X001 is a highly innovative and courageous development from Alpine – as its model number suggests, it’s the first in a new generation of in car products!


    JBL’s 660 GTi woofer offers extreme power handling, amazingly low distortion and traditional parameters of excellence in sound quality. Every aspect of woofer performance has been carefully tuned to avoid any mechanical distortion, and with a 2-inch extra-large voice coil, power handling is awesome. Tweeter dispersion is carefully tailored by a wave guide at frequencies near to crossover, countering traditional problems with driver dispersion differences. The crossover itself uses only the finest components, and permits tweeter use with and without the waveguide, as well as level adjustment for perfect matching with the woofer. JBL’s GTi660 is a true high-end speaker for music on the move.

    MOBILE SUBWOOFER: Hertz ML 2500 (på tide å oppdatere nettsiden Pål!)

    This product has it all: refined looks, revolutionary technology and unrivalled performance, all squeezed into a 10-inch bass driver. Hertz engineers developed a unique V-cone geometry for midwoofers, then found a way to use the same innovation -- and others besides - in a subwoofer for a completely different purpose. The end result is a drive-unit with high power handling and unprecedented stability, performing perfectly in unbelievably compact enclosures. When you consider the audiophile-flat response, high sound pressure level capability with low distortion, haute couture looks and a jewellery-grade finish, you will have to agree: this product has it all!


    Incredible though it may seem, within the single-DIN chassis of JVC’s KD-NX5000 cohabits a complete audio and video head unit and a latest-generation hard-disk-based navigation system. Out front there’s a 3.5” widescreen active TFT, used to display head unit status info, video from the internal DVD player and maps from the navi system, which stores data for 21 countries, 1.3 million Points of Interest and loads of other road data in 16GB of the 40GB internal disk. That, of course, leaves 24GB to store music in high-quality lossless or data-reduced formats. The Hard Disk navigation technology is fast and accurate, and operates even during DVD or CD playback.
    Last edited by epifant; 18-08-2007, 01:25.

  • #2
    Originally posted by epifant View Post
    MOBILE SUBWOOFER: Hertz ML 2500 (på tide å oppdatere nettsiden Pål!)[/I]
    Denne skjønte jeg ikke helt, ML 2500 ligger på siden vår og har gjort det i evigheter nå. Det er mer enn man kan si om Hertz sin hjemmeside
    Pål Andréas Bryng
    Vi forhandler bl.a.:
    Pioneer - Focal - Rockford Fosgate - Cadence - Ground Zero - Tsunami -
    Alpine - InstallBay - Brax - Helix - Silent Coat - dynaBel - Clarion - MTX

    Følg oss på Facebook
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    Vi gjør det vi kan for å levere det Du ønsker deg, til en hyggelig pris!


    • #3
      og hvem er web ansvarlig for audison? den siden er jo en katastrofe.
      "Tuning an audio system is like bringing together the members of an orchestra, getting the sound balance right, and making sure they work together."


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jonny.B View Post
        og hvem er web ansvarlig for audison? den siden er jo en katastrofe.
        Audison? Hele siden Elettromedia er jo en stor flopp
        Bjørnar Kristiansen
        BK Caraudio


        • #5
          Originally posted by InstallBay View Post
          Denne skjønte jeg ikke helt, ML 2500 ligger på siden vår og har gjort det i evigheter nå. Det er mer enn man kan si om Hertz sin hjemmeside
          han mente vel kansje at det var på tide med og oppdatere den og få inn at den var EISA vinner i år kansje
          Do-It-Yourself - DIY stash


          • #6
            Deux points!


            • #7
              De har sagt lenge nå at de jobber med nye sider for alle merker og det skal bli så flott og fint, men har ikke sett noe til det ennå. Heldigvis er dette det eneste området jeg kan si elettromedia er dårlige på, for makan til service og oppfølging har ikke vi vært borti før

              Men klart vi skal oppdatere nå, fanten
              Pål Andréas Bryng
              Vi forhandler bl.a.:
              Pioneer - Focal - Rockford Fosgate - Cadence - Ground Zero - Tsunami -
              Alpine - InstallBay - Brax - Helix - Silent Coat - dynaBel - Clarion - MTX

              Følg oss på Facebook
              Gjør en trygg handel hos oss. Sjekk vår feedback-side!

              Vi gjør det vi kan for å levere det Du ønsker deg, til en hyggelig pris!


              • #8
                ja,ja..en god nettside er ikke alt,er gode produkter som teller
                "Tuning an audio system is like bringing together the members of an orchestra, getting the sound balance right, and making sure they work together."

